Monday, July 24, 2017

Hello? Is anyone out there?

This is just not a blog I keep up with.  Should I start another one?
Do people still read blogs? Post a comment about your favorite blog and I'll do a giveaway when I reach 30 comments!

So while I'm thinking about what to write for this blog post, I'm thinking about baking a banana bread in my Instant Pot too.  It only takes 5-10 minutes (depending on distractions) to mix the ingredients - and then 55 minutes to cook with with a natural pressure release (NPR or NR - in Instant Pot Terms). Yes... It might take a few more minutes than using the oven, BUT..... I don't have to worry about the oven being on if I need to leave the house. Or even have the hot oven going with it will reach 100 today in Texas!

.....I made this recipe on Sunday with Truvia instead of Sugar.  It tasted pretty good.  Today I used sugar - but only a cup vs. the 1.5 cups in the recipe. Banana Bread for the win.....

Thank you to Facebook's Instant Pot Community for all of the awesome ideas to use with my Instant Pot!

I know I search my friend Dr./Mr./Ms. Google for information.  There are many blogs I read - and will post to Pinterest. Some I go back and read for the directions or information I pinned. Others I just leave in the bottomless pit of Pinterest.

Oh Pinterest - you are so wonderful.  I can always find what I am looking for when I check with you. And then I get lost in your vast array of information. I know I need to clean up my boards.  My kids are 9 and 12 now - so the toddler boards can be passed on to someone else. I know I posted a Dr. Seuss quote and it has been pinned 7.9 THOUSAND times.  That is crazy! Time to focus on the environment people!

To help clean up the environment, I decided to join Norwex.  I am excited to use products where I don't have to be spraying cleaners and bleach which aren't good for the environment. Here is a link to my first party if you are interested in ordering anything.  I'm excited for the Veggie & Fruit Scrub Cloth and the Enviro Cloth.  I saw a post where a woman used yellow Enviro Cloths for her bathroom.  Keep all of the same color together so you aren't cleaning the kitchen sink with the cloth for the toilet! Send me a message if you have questions. I'm new to the game - but this company has been around for a while in Europe.

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